Wednesday, September 24, 2003 |
Another day another local gun incident. Bad guys still got guns.
Police have begun an investigation after several shots were fired between two cars in Birmingham. These incidents don't even make the front pages of the 'local' news now because they are so common. Noted at 12:18 PM. | |
Birmingham views - Lickey Hills Want to go and see where we spend many a sunny day? Well now you can. Eldest keeps free climbing that little castle whilst I stand there with my heart in my throat. |
Tuesday, September 23, 2003 |
Now I know James Lileks is a highly respected blogger but did he really write this?
Gnat was a pill today, but that's okay. She's ill. Small cold. The medicine makes her space out, and when it wears off she's just Miss Peevy 2003. Everything was a battle tonight: sitting in the chair, eating the corn, sampling the beans, saying "may I be excused" before she dismounts from her chair, getting into the bath, getting out of the bath, giving up her Spot (from Rolie Poly Olie, of course) plush doll so he can be dried out, getting into her jammies. I am always the Heavy here. When discipline is required, Daddy is enlisted. Why? I have the deep voice, and I have the will. I am careful to explain why she is being naughty; I always express my understanding of her position, but I am firm: this will not stand. Comply, or at the count of three you're locked in your room. So to the world Mr. Lileks says "I lock my sick three year old daughter who's on medication in her room if she bugs me." Well I say to Mr. Lileks "Step over here and feel the full force of the HEHD's retribution. Come and pick on someone your own size mate. Not only are you a f*****g idiot for writing it but you are a f*****g idiot for doing it." The amazing thing is that this guy obviously thinks that this behaviour is so normal that he can happily write about it and not expect anyone to take umbrage. "Lileks - NO!" Next time you are grouchy, lock yourself in your room, in the dark and pass the key under the door. Then 'instruct' your wife to not let you out no matter how hard you scream or beg. Then when you start to really worry perhaps you might understand what you are doing to your own flesh and blood. Fool. Other people agree: Disappointed in Lileks Lileks Noted at 10:52 PM. | |
When the next door neighbour's kids tell their mum thay want to be home educated too.
The evil demon of education Chris Woodhead seems to have undergone something of an epiphany. He actually recomends home education to two readers of last Sunday's Times.
Sadly, you find yourselves in the position of many parents. You have no alternative — other than to educate your children at home. Noted at 8:39 PM. | |
I was just meandering across the web looking for sites to link to with a home education bent and was amazed at all the new blogs that have sprung up since I last blogged. I was just thinking about how I would be able to keep my blog roll manageable when I realised that I wouldn't be linking to any of the ones I found. The reason for this is that I have very little in common with any of them.
Father held at gunpoint whilst wife and two children are upstairs.
I have just added a link to this site, at the very polite request of it's owner. Today's blog has comments regarding "appropriate play":
Getting ready to launch into a discussion about why "killing" play is unacceptable I got thrown a curve that I was completely surprised by (I was expecting another fast ball) but in the bible people kill one another. I know this is not an unusual connection for children to make (but I was surprised by my four year old) and I was in some ways prepared for it. I talked a bit about sin and how that can lead to people making poor choices that go against God's will. Then she threw a knuckleball that just took me off guard. Well what about David? Was he wrong? Didn't God help him kill Goliath? Was he going against God's will. I just thought to myself "Why do I find myself answering this question for a four year old? How did she learn to make those connections and realize the inconsistencies so quickly. The next thought was "I am in TROUBLE when she is a teenager" and the last thought was "HELP". So I called in Serona and we dealt with the issue together. I'm not sure she was satisfied with the answer or completely understood it but I think we were able to explain to her some of the concepts of sin, free will, fantasy and reality, acceptable and unacceptable play, and how play can still hurt people's feelings. Now a personal opinion here. (What, you HEHD) This is all a load of absolute tosh. The idea that my boys are likely to be more violent because I let them play with guns and swords is ridiculous. The notion that because they 'kill' each other and friends regularly means they are more likely to disrespect people in real life is absolute drivel. Tenn, the reason you struggled with your four year old in this discussion is because they realise something that you don't; Sometimes there is only one final option when faced with evil, kill it. David killed Goliath because he had too, just as the good guys kill the bad guys in Star Wars etc. Perhaps one day a big bad guy is going to be threatening you, your kids or your friends and you better wish that your youngest fully understands that they are going to have to defend themselves and their loved ones because that bad guy sure aint going to be listening to a reasoned argument, religious or otherwise. The gun, the sword, the kitchen knife, the hammer or whatever is the weapon of choice is not, in itself evil. The evil is within the person utilising that tool to attack for evil means. Just as the goodness lies within the person who uses it to defend themselves or their loved ones from that attack. Ooooh, get me! Noted at 6:59 PM. | |
An old mucker of mine rang me today and he is always slightly quizzical about this autonomous learning thing. During our conversation I mentioned that the kids were learning from life.
When you want to start a blog with any relevence to home education you encounter one huge problem, Daryl Cobranchi.
ID cards, cameras, car tracking etc. One of the most common arguments from the pro surveillance lobby is "If you are a law abiding person you have nothing to fear".
Monday, September 22, 2003 |
Now that I am blogging again I think I should be making more effort to get in touch with other housedads online. This is as good a place to start as any. |
Mrs. du Toit - Finding Mark Twain Series Yesterday I put a link to this essay on the Education Otherwise mailing list. It is a great story of one family's journey from mainstream education through 'home schooling' and on to unschooling / autonomous education. It is both touching and inspiring to anyone who has any interest in home education.
Sunday, September 21, 2003 |
Just sat down to watch the telly tonight and almost had a heart attack. Channel 4 broadcast a programme where the presenter travelled to various areas of the world extolling the virtues of globalisation. That presenter was Johan Norburg. What a fantastic breathe of fresh air!
Saturday, September 20, 2003 |
Girl Wants To Start Caucasian Club At High School Now this is an interesting one as I am sure we are going to start seeing alot more of this kind of thing.
McClelland's ethnic background includes American Indian, Hispanic, Dutch, German, Italian and Irish. She says she and her friends feel slighted by other clubs at Freedom High School in Oakley, such as the Black Student Union and the Asian Club. More interestingly NBC are running a poll on their site about this and 86% of respondants support her. Noted at 10:53 PM. | |
Friday, September 19, 2003 |
The funniest guy on television. |
This is a message to all home educators who struggle with doubt (Me included!). DON'T |
Testing 'harming school science' It isn't rocketscience.
Teaching primary school children to pass tests is damaging their enthusiasm for science, researchers say. And they say some science lessons are too hard even for the non-specialist teachers, let alone the young children. Since when has experimentation and observation been a new approach to science. Experimentation and observation is science. Noted at 10:23 PM. | |
This cropped up on the Education Otherwise mailing list
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe. I am trying to think of the implications of this with respect to dyslexia. If it is really not important how the letters appear in a word then is dyslexia really a learning handicap? Or if it is, does it necessarily have to be? I am sure a really clever person could help me out with this. Noted at 10:14 PM. | |
When I read stories such as this I get really sad.
A Tonbridge toddler has become one of the youngest children in the country to be excluded from school because of his outrageous behaviour. It is not the school that shocks me. They have to operate the ridiculous 'system' after all. But the mother's comments just make me want to do some harm: Miss Holmewood, of Audley Avenue, said: "Paul wasn't given a chance. The school was aware he needed constant attention or he would crave it in other ways." Now whether ADHD exists as a condition or not I don't know, but I have my suspicions, but what is the liklihood of two children in the same family having it? Then there is the Ritalin statement. This mother seems to regret the fact that her son is too young to be drugged. I may be wrong but I bet I can tell how these children live, what their house looks like and the mother's parenting skills. Suffer the children.... Noted at 7:09 PM. | |
Thursday, September 18, 2003 |
Today we went for a museum trip. As this is term time there were lots of schoolchildren there. It was such a shame to see how a great learning opportunity was taken away from them by officious teachers, the need to stand in orderly queues and the lack of a sense of fun.
I have linked to this curious story purely so that I can post up this picture. It is my blog and I can do what I like!
A person who is subject to somnambulism; one who walks in his sleep; a sleepwalker; a noctambulist.
..but I am not the only one:
Wednesday, September 17, 2003 |
Right listen up you lot. This is what you confront your children with when they go to school. It is not an isolated case as it goes on to varying degrees in every school across the country. The bully may be another pupil, a teacher or just a member of staff but if your child has any 'difference' or refuses to 'fit in' you can be sure that they will come across a bully at some stage. Knowing that this is going to happen to them, if you continue to force them to go to school then you are part of the problem...You are the bully.
Today I officially became a student. I will now be able to get discounts everywhere, build up my alcohol tolerance levels and run up loads of debt (And blame it all on the government!)
Alice Bachini: "Don't bother getting stuck in school-run traffic jams."
The great UK public health system..... We in the UK put up with many disadvantages compared to our American cousins but it is said many times that the one great institution we have over here that they don't have there is the NHS.
Tuesday, September 16, 2003 |
I am so happy to have got this new template up and running that I am feeling too good to rant. Bloody typical!
Nearly finished tweaking the template. |
Sunday, September 14, 2003 |
School is the best place for children to learn... Staff and pupils at a Dundee school have expressed their shock at the suicide of a 15-year-old girl who killed herself after reportedly being bullied. How many more times does this have to happen before we learn? Noted at 9:13 AM. | |
Friday, September 12, 2003 |
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A pretty ordinary thirtysomething (OK very nearly forty.) bloke who just so happens to be a housedad and home educates two of his three kids - The other one thinks he is a mad and crazy fool. |
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